Hi. These are words about games I’ve played.

I used to run some gaming websites, but those are all gone now. Right around When The World Ended, I found myself writing about games again. I don’t really know why, it just seemed like a good idea. I had thoughts and didn’t have a place for them, and I know better than to shout into the void of Twitter or Reddit, so I shouted into a text editor.

Several years on and I have now written a bunch of words about a bunch of games, so here’s a website. I try to write at least a little about any game I consider myself “done” with, either because I squeezed all the gaming enjoyment out of it, or because it infuriated me.

Marvel Rivals (2024)

I prefer the real Overwatch 2. I said the real Overwatch 2. Perfection.
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UFO 50 (2024)

A magical treasure-trove of games from an alternate reality
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FPGA Gaming on a Budget with MiSTER Pi

Background I’ve been emulating games since finding NESticle in the late 90s. A huge amount of my gaming diet of the early 2000s was spent tinkering with emulators, graphical settings, following dev builds, endlessly hunting for the best gamepad to use, and generally catching up on multiple generations worth of games I missed in the aisles of Blockbuster Video. In recent years, though, I’ve been more interested in having a single device hooked to my TV that can reliably emulate as many systems as possible, in a way I can reasonably fit in with the rest of my consoles.
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The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (2024)

And she’s buiiilding a stairway… of bed frames
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The Plucky Squire (2024)

A beautiful (but slightly shallow) indie literary adventure
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Astro Bot (2024)

More Playstation Propaganda from Team Asobi
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Neon White (2022)

A Very Hard Game To Recommend (But I’ll do it anyway)
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Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (2024)

NES Remix 4: Switch Edition: Now with Fewer Games
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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (2024)

Hot Takes Ahead
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Animal Well (2024)

Obtuse Puzzle Game of the Year
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