I’ve spent ~20 hrs in Dicey Dungeons, and have finished runs with a couple characters. Super unique roguelike, interesting skeumorphic mechanics of rolling dice and applying them to cards for attacks or abilities. It’s something that could almost as easily have been a physical tabletop game.

Some characters are Just Great, Warrior and Robot both click for me really easily. Wizard is also pretty good. Others . . . less good. Engineer I’m sure can be good, but constantly having to change out your gear made it easy for me to screw up and end up with a build that couldn’t attack.

Challenges also suck. The first tier challenge for warrior makes one of your attacks ephemeral, at random, every turn. This kind of randomness is fine if it’s a temporary debuff, but as an intrinsic it’s just un-fun.

Definitely wish it was available for iOS. It’s a perfect fit for touch interface. It’s allegedly coming to iOS soon, but I went ahead and got it on Steam because it was on sale and the iOS version has been “coming soon” for a year now. I expect I’ll come back to this game occasionally, but at this point might just wait until it hits iOS before dumping a ton of more time into it.

2022-07-22 - Addendum (iOS Release)

Two years ago, I said:

I expect I’ll come back to this game occasionally, but at this point might just wait until it hits iOS before dumping a ton of more time into it.

Aaaaaand here we are!

It came out on iOS earlier this month, and I immediately dumped a ton more time in it. I gave it way more of a chance on iOS, taking my time to really get used to all the classes, made it through all the challenges on a couple of them. Yeah, the challenges are hard, but that’s the point.

As expected, the game was perfect for iOS. It really makes me wonder why this wasn’t mobile-first or at least mobile-soon.

I recommended this on PC, I highly recommend it on iOS.